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The Law of Attraction: Being Capable Through Self-Awarene

February 22, 2022 |

What is the Law of Attraction?

" The law of attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes."

I am forever amazed at how much of a magnet I have become in recent years since I began to study and practice the law of attraction.  In fact, I was reminded this past week when I added a really sticky service to my salon menu-LICE REMOVAL! 

As I was working in my salon the other day, I mentioned to a mom that I was considering adding emergency lice removal to my service list as a way to improve my income this coming school year.  Since Covid ransacked the country, I have been ruthlessly brainstorming how I can replace the lost wages in new ways.  

"That actually is a great service to offer.  My friend hired a company for a pretty good fee when her child came home from school with lice.  I think it is an amazing idea," my client responded.  That was nudge #1!  I went home immediately and worked on my new price list.  A few clicks on social media and my new service was posted for potential clients to see.  

Later on that night, my boyfriend and I turned on our latest binge-worthy show, Working Moms.  If you haven't had a good laugh in a while, it is highly recommended.  The very next episode blew me away!  The main character, Kate Foster, had a lice breakout at her child's summer camp which ultimately spread to her entire office.  A supporting character, Franky, saved the day by arriving in time to de-louse the entire office.  This was nudge #2!  I was starting to pay attention.  Was I on to something?

As I sat on the swing in front of our home basking in the experience.  Out of nowhere, my boyfriend says, "How is this for a sign?" and proceeds to read to me a meme that reads to the effect of "I hope my ex gets lice"...(paraphrasing, of course).  Nudge #3!

This is how it works when it comes the law of attraction.  When we say "Yes" to the right path, synchronicities appear to show us we are headed in the right direction.  But how is it that we can first become this magnet for ideas and signs?  How does what we think turn into tangible items in our hands so easily?

The graphic above is a basic overview how we can begin to use the law of attraction in our favor.  Our core beliefs (which generally change in our self-awareness phase) become our feelings.  Our beliefs about who we are shape how we feel about ourselves.  How we feel about ourselves fuels our thoughts, positive or negative.  The thoughts we generate in our minds spill over into the actions we take in real life.  And how we act in the face of opportunity delivers our results to us.

When we believe fully that we are capable of great things, we feel that we can conquer any challenge that comes our direction.  The thoughts from feeling capable turns into actions we take because we believe, think and feel like we can do it.  When we take the right actions, we get the results we were looking for and the cycle continues.  The universe starts to pick up on the energy we are putting out that we KNOW we are capable and are willing to take action to see results.  It will literally start to send us blatant signs when we open ourselves up to seeing the signs and synchronicities.  

The same cycle can work against us if we feed ourselves beliefs that we aren't capable.  We start to feel like we can't achieve desired results which turns into thinking we will never win.  When we think we aren't able, we won't take action and the results will reflect our poor beliefs about ourselves.  The universe will then continue to deliver to us what we are feeding it, negative energy.

When it comes to our trek through the self-awareness phase of the Pyramid of Growth, it is crucial we understand how the Law of Attraction works if we are going to pull ourselves out of this hard place in a positive way.  You will never make it past this phase and into the phase of Self-Discovery if you do not learn how to attract the right energy into your life.

It all starts with who we believe we are.  Self-Awareness is all about finding out who we are as individuals and finding what we are capable of making happen.  

Here is some homework:  Make a list of all of the things you have accomplished.  Reflect on each of those things and remember what you did to make those accomplishments happen.  Did you pass a course you worked hard on?  Did you move into your first apartment?  Did you give birth?  Did you get a new job?  Did you make a D in a really hard class you didn't think you would pass?  Did you recently change a flat tire for the first time?  These are all accomplishments that you can explore and use as examples of things you were capable of doing.  Expound upon these victories and remind yourself that, while you have not always reached every goal you have made, you HAVE reached other goals that deserve merit and credit.  

Believe in yourself for 7 days.  Write daily lists of 5 things you were capable of doing each day for one week and see how your perspective creates a new reality.  Let me know in the comments what you achieved in your week of capabilities! 


